For a Lot of People, Ayurvedic treatment is something you would like to find on the spa menu. Warm oils sailed within the body… the heady aroma of leafy veggies and the hint of subtle exotic blossoms.

Here is the glamorised picture people visualise when they consider Ayurveda.

“Ayurveda contains two Chief aims: It fixes the Signs of a disorder and it helps people to strengthen their immune system. Ayurveda treats your entire body, mind and spirit of a person as a  whole thing, and works on the premise that the mind and body affect each other, and collectively can conquer the disease.”

It’s predicated on the belief that health and wellness depend on a fragile balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its principal aim is to promote health.

Remedies could be geared toward specific health issues.

As stated by Ayurveda, the human body (the physical Entity) consists of three basic categories called Doshas, Dhatus and Malas.

Their psychological correlates which play a role in the functioning and behaviour of people is

your Trigunas–Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. These psychological traits are not limited or restricted to humans alone. Still, they may also be attributed to almost all living beings, including the food that we consume, and the rest of the elements in the environment we live in, that are stated to possess a predominance of one or the other characteristic Guna/Prakriti which gives that matter its unique quality.

The Tridoshas are all Composed of all the five Mahabhutas,but one or the other is predominant, with another four are at lesser dominance. There may never be a state when the other Mahabhuta is absent entirely. All five are necessary to prolong life. Appropriate balance among the three Doshas is essential for good health.

· Vata

· Pitta

· Kapha

Dosha Is Made up of both Ap (water) and also Prithvi (ground ) Mahabhutas.

When we talk about the imbalance of Doshas, we say that a Man is Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dominated.  This does not mean a lack of the other two Doshas, but the other two Doshas are suppressed compared to the dominant Dosha.

This also doesn’t mean that a particular person who’s either of those Dosha dominated is

not in excellent health. That particular dominant Dosha is his natural state of being Prakriti.

It isn’t ill health.

Specific for each person, It is reportedly set in the time of conception (in current conditions, from the recombination of both zygotic DNA from semen and ovum) and stays unaltered over someone’s lifetime. Prakriti special treatment, including the prescription of drugs, diet, and lifestyle, is a distinctive feature of Ayurveda

Each Dosha provides certain characteristic qualities to the individual, dependent on which an individual can be classified as belonging to this particular Dosha kind. Charaka and Sushruta recognise seven kinds or groups into which individuals can be classified, based on the dominance of their Doshas in their body.

People with dominant Vata

Dosha, i.e. Vata

Prakriti (or constitution). 

People with prominent Pitta


People with dominant Kapha


Individuals with balanced Doshas or

using Vata–Pitta–Kapha Dosha mix /Prakriti. 

Prakriti is composed of three Gunas:

Sattva (whitened, understanding, enjoyment, pra),

 Rajas (reddish, activity, annoyance, kr)

along with Tamas (dark,immunity or inertia, confusion, ti).

Therefore, it’s endowed with the necessary and adequate powers of production,

preservation and dissolution of the incredible world. Mainly, it’s the material cause of diversity.

Various kinds of temperament based on the dominance of one or another Gunas. The character of a person can be discerned based upon the”style of worship, also the kind of food consumed along with other actions of normal life”.

Each Guna gives Certain attribute qualities to this person, dependent on what an individual

may be classified as belonging to this specific Guna form. Charaka and Sushruta comprehend seven kinds or categories into which people can be classified, based upon the dominance of the Gunas in their entire body. They can be said to belong to a particular Guna mix, as follows:

People with dominant Sattva Guna.

Individuals with prominent Rajas

People with prominent Tamas

People with dominant Sattva—Rajas Guna combination. 

People with dominant Sattva—Tamas Guna combination. 


Mood (Sattva)

Is threefold: pristine (suddha),

And dull (Tamasa),

Depending upon the incidence of each of those three Gunas. The first is mostly free of flaws (especially abnormalities concerning speech, Thought and bodily behaviour), although another two are defective or abnormal.

The differentiation is involving the snobby (the first type) and also the Disease-prone types (the other two kinds ). One of the disease-prone types, one Is dominated by excessive activity prompted by anger and other emotions, while The other is dominated by inactivity due to delusions and confusion. All These have varieties based upon physical traits and psychological tendencies. It is understood that the brain and the body are interdependent and that there is an impact of the head on the body as well as the body on the mind