5 Ayurvedic ways to Whiten your Teeth

Ayurveda-a way of life


Dental health is as important as taking care of other parts of your body. An essential part of dental health care is having white and healthy teeth. If simple hacks like applying salt, baking soda, lemon, orange peels have not worked out for you, then try some simple Ayurvedic ways. We have compiled a list of 5 Ayurvedic ways to whiten your teeth.


One of the most important things to bear in mind when using Ayurvedic techniques for whitening teeth is that you have to be patient as changes will not happen in a day. And the individual will have to stick to the regime and follow it consistently.


Oil pulling

Swishing oil in the mouth is known as oil pulling. This helps one to remove microbes from the teeth and the gums and prevents mouth ulcers. Using sesame or coconut oil for 15 to 20 minutes and then spit out. This practice also strengthens the muscles of the mouth.


Neem or Babul twigs for brushing teeth

The twigs are anti-microbial and anti-bacterial agents and chewing on them helps in maintaining good oral health. Select a twig that is as thick as a little finger. Chew at one side to make it look like a brush. Brush it across the teeth and the gum. After you have completed, spit the twig fibers out. 


Tongue scraping

This method is the ideal one for cleaning the cavity and also for getting rid of the toxins that can lead to the growth of bacteria and plaque in the mouth. Scrape the tongue multiple times by using stainless steel or copper tongue scraper.


Herbal mouth rinse

Make a decoction of Yashtimadhu and Triphala. This is a good Ayurvedic mouth rinser. This method helps in removing ulcers from the mouth and helps to whiten the teeth. To make the decoction, boil Triphala and Yashtimadhu in the water till it boils down to half the original amount. After cooling down, rinse your mouth with this decoction. 


Herbal tooth and gum rub

To prevent and cure all types of disorders of the teeth, herbal tooth, and gum rub is helpful. This process involves using herbs and spices. Many spices act as enamel cleaners. Garlic, guava, rock salt, and mango leaves can be used for cleaning the enamel. They can be grounded and then rubbed on the teeth. You can also make a mixture of oil and salt and then rub it on the teeth and gums.


These are some of the Ayurvedic ways by which you can get white teeth. 


